Never Take the First Offer
July 11, 2018
Why you should never accept the first offer from an insurance company:
- Insurance companies are business, they don’t stay in business by giving away money. Their first offer will be considerably less than you deserve.
- An insurance companies first offer will often come before you have finished seeking medical treatment. They won’t consider treatment you haven’t yet received in their offer.
- Insurance companies don’t want you to take the time to consult an attorney.
- You should determine a minimum figure you’re will to accept before you consider their offer. It is important to determine all of the damage to you and your vehicle as well as any inconvenience an accident caused you before accepting an offer.
Porqué nunca debería aceptar la primera oferta de la empresa de aseguranza:
- Las empresas aseguradoras son negocios, no se mantienen en operación por dar el dinero. Su primera oferta será considerablemente menos de los que usted merece.
- La primera oferta de una empresa aseguradora llegará con frecuencia antes de que haya terminado buscando el tratamiento médico. No incluyen el tratamiento que no ha recibido en su oferta.
- Las empresas aseguradoras no quieren que tome el tiempo para consultar con un abogado .
- Debería determinar una estimación mínima que está dispuesto a aceptar antes de considerar su oferta